Network Society

The DIGITAL EDUCATOR Global Registry

EdVerso presents the first International Register of DIGITAL EDUCATOR, based on Blockchain technology, KYC identity verification, and legally verifiable storage of the works created.

Being a “DIGITAL EDUCATOR” registered with EdVerso International adds value, reputation, and credibility to every professional in this field, worldwide.


EdVerso International, thanks to the strategic partnership with, values ​​​​actions and not words.

This annual registration takes place after having verified your role within a secondary school. We ask you to indicate in the issuing request form, in the Link1 and Link2 items, the reference of your role, or send the letter of assignment by email. As soon as verified, we proceed with the registration in our international register.

Once registered, you will receive an email with the Link to your BBadge in Blockchain. The same can then be verified initially, also by searching for your name on the portal – and selecting Skills & talents.


Digital Educators are professional figures typically found in the educational context. Their role is to promote and support digital innovation within educational institutions. The Ministry of Education introduced digital educators in Italy with the National Plan for Digital Schools (PNSD) to foster digitalization and the adoption of innovative technologies in teaching and school organizations.

Role of the Digital Educators

Digital Educators act as facilitators and coordinators for:

  • Training: Organize training activities for teachers and school staff on the use of digital technologies.
  • Innovation: Promote projects and initiatives related to didactic and technological innovation.
  • Digital Culture: Raise awareness within the school community (teachers, students, and families) about the conscious and creative use of technology.

Required Skills:

  • Technological Knowledge: Proficiency in digital tools for teaching (interactive whiteboards, online platforms, educational software).
  • Organizational Skills: Ability to design and coordinate training activities and digital projects.
  • Problem-Solving: Solve technology-related issues and support colleagues in adopting new tools.
  • Soft Skills: Communication, leadership, and the ability to motivate school staff.

Main Activities:

  • Organize workshops and training courses on the use of digital technologies.
  • Design innovative educational pathways that integrate digital tools.
  • Collaborate with teachers and school leaders to integrate digital technologies into the Three-Year Educational Offer Plan (PTOF).
  • Promote the conscious use of technology among students (e.g., media education, online safety).

Importance in Schools:

Digital Educators play a key role in:

  • Facilitating the transition to a more modern and technological school system.
  • Promoting digital inclusion, and providing equal opportunities to students.
  • Supporting teachers in adopting innovative teaching methods.

Blockchain BBadges®

In an increasingly digital, social, and international world, we have chosen to offer all professionals—belonging to unrecognized professions—a badge that is as simple as it is powerful: the BBadge, based on Blockchain technology.

The BBadge® is a Digital Credential developed in collaboration with Lutin Technologies Ltd, the entity behind the international project

A BBadge is the graphic representation of the certification we issue to various professionals, encompassing three major benefits:

  1. Certainty of Identification: EdVerso as the Issuing Entity, and the individual professional as the receiving party. The system is based on the international KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure, a globally recognized standard for the identification of individuals and legal entities.
  2. Certain Date based on Blockchain: The laws of an increasing number of countries, including Italy and all of Europe, recognize Blockchain’s ability to assign a certain date with legal value.
  3. Immutable Data: Our declaration regarding membership status is unchangeable.
  4. Verifiable Anytime, Anywhere: Through the platform – in the Skills & Talents section, professionals can be searched reliably, easily, and intuitively, anytime and anywhere.

Sharing Capability: You can share the BBadge on social media or via applications like WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, Skype, or similar.

👉 How to sign up

We have identified two simple procedures: one for freelancers and the other for those who have completed a training course at an accredited institution in EdVerso. Here they are:


✅ Make the payment via this link.
✅ Request your registration via this link.
✅ Receive your BBadge within 7 business days (typically less than 2) via email.
To get the blue checkmark for verified users, follow the instructions you’ll receive along with your BBadge.


✅ Complete and pass the training course.
✅ Obtain your Verification Code at the end of the course, directly from the institution you attended.
✅ Request your registration via this link.
✅ Receive your BBadge within 7 business days (typically less than 2) via email.
To get the blue checkmark for verified users, follow the instructions you’ll receive along with your BBadge.


For annual renewals, we require you to upload at least one work/project in your account on to confirm your credentials. Alternatively, you can provide an updated certificate from your training institution.
Issued BBadges cannot be deleted (but you can make them private and visible only to those you choose).
Registration in this Register is archived in your Libretto®—a reserved area in your LutinX account—and is publicly verifiable anywhere in the world through the search engine on the homepage of, by selecting the “Skills & Talents” option.

💰 How much does it cost ?

Registration in the DIGITAL EDUCATOR Register costs only 19,00 €/year (and not 49€)

The intentionally low cost covers only the time required to verify your work or the training you have completed. EdVerso’s partners support all other expenses related to maintaining our organization and the online service through voluntary annual donations.

As a member, you will gain access to a series of new update webinars throughout the year.